Thursday 6 August 2015

Things I wish I had known before having a C Section! 10 Top Tips & Advice!

One of the hardest parts of having a baby has been having to have a C section during the birth of my son. I was in labour for 35 hours and that was a walk in the park compared to how I felt the first couple of weeks after having a C section!

If anyone is having or has had to have a C section I wanted to share some tips because I could have really used a few when recovering.

One: Get extra DVT socks!
If you have had a C section you will have to wear DVT socks for 6 weeks after the operation. This is important for your health of course but they are a real pain. They were only going to give me one pair when I was leaving, ask for another pair! You will have to wear them day and night for 6 weeks so a spare pair is essential!

Two: Injections!
In addition to wearing DVT socks you will also be given injections to take home (and administer at home) to thin your blood and avoid DVT. Be prepared for this. If you don't like needles be aware you will have to get someone else to inject you for about 5-6 days after the C section.

Three: Be careful walking downstairs!
I slipped down the stairs 3 times within 3 weeks because of the DVT socks. Be very, very careful!

Four: Accept help and don't push yourself!
This may sound obvious but I pushed myself too hard after the C section and my scar didn't heal as quickly as it should have done. Accept your limitations and accept help! In fact, if you need help just ask. We got family to stay with us after my son's birth because I really needed all the help I could get. If your partner can take the full 2 weeks paternity leave I would encourage you to make sure he does. I wouldn't have been able to cope without that help for the few couple of weeks.

Five: Delayed Milk
If you have a C section your milk can be delayed coming in. In case you aren't aware your milk takes a few days to come through usually, in the meantime you produce colostrum which is excellent for babies. However, your milk can be delayed coming in, mine took 7 days (instead of the usual 3 or 4). Bare in mind that this may cause your breasts to hurt even more, as your baby is sucking but not getting much in the way of colostrum (it is thick and doesn't flow as freely as milk, there isn't as much of it as milk either). I had complications with breastfeeding due to this, which I wrote about here. If this happens to you, try not to stress about it as stress makes things worse (when it comes to breastfeeding).

Six: Hearing Test
In hospital they will try and perform a hearing test on your newborn. Often babies born via C section still have mucus in their ears (from being in the womb) and it means they can't get a reading. Don't worry, they will give it a week to clear and ask you to come back to do the test again. This was the case with my son, he went back and his hearing test was all clear the next time.

Seven: Mucus
In addition to mucus in the hears babies can sometimes cough up or sick up mucus too (in the first couple of days) due to having been born via C section. Just be aware of this and if they sick it up make sure they aren't on their back so they can get it out.

Eight: Belly Flap
I really hate the term "belly flap" but I discovered it after having a C section. When you have a C section you often get a flabby, postpartum tummy that takes time to go down. It can sometimes cover your scar (as the skin below your scar is tighter than that above it), causing a "flap" over the scar. Your scar needs air to heal so this "belly flap" can be bad for recovery. One thing I found helped was having swabs to pack into the scar area... and of course encourage air to get the scar as much as possible. I know this isn't a subject that most people will like reading about but this is the reality of a C section. I want it to be helpful rather than gloss over a major part of the recovery of a C section.

Nine: Cabin Fever
Your recovery will be longer than normal and you will be very sore afterwards. But if you can, try and get out. Even for a coffee where you drive to the cafe. Getting a bit of sunlight and coffee a couple of days afterwards made me feel human again. Of course, my husband had to push the pram, carry the baby etc. But when we went out for coffee it was amazing to get out.

Ten: Be Realistic!
I am going to be honest, your body isn't going to look great after a C section and it will feel even worse. I felt a lot of pressure to get my postpartum tummy down quickly but in reality you are not able to exercise for a while (I am 11 weeks postpartum and I still have occasional aches around my scar when I push myself). It is going to take longer to recover your body shape after a C section. You are not going to look like the Duchess of Cambridge, who after just 3 weeks was skinny again! Be prepared that the recovery of a C section can be a longer process than normal birth. I have stopped fretting too much about my body shape and started focusing on being happy and healthy for my son. The rest will come with time.

If you have had or are going to have a C section then I hope you have a speedy recovery. If anyone has an questions please feel free to contact me.

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