Tuesday 4 August 2015

2 month old baby...

So now that my son is 2 months old he has changed so much from that newborn we bought home. I wanted to share the changes in him since he was born. I love reading other blogs, or watching vlogs, where parents describe the changes in their babies. I find it a really helpful resource on what to expect moving forward... and I hope someone finds this useful (and enjoys reading it of course)...

Dribble, dribble everywhere! I learnt recently that the saliva glands of babies kick in at around 2 months. Suddenly my baby started dribbling constantly, I thought he might even be teething but it is way too early for that. So now there is another bodily fluid to be covered in. Yay... As well as dribbling he has started putting his hands in his mouth constantly and sucks on anything that is near his mouth... including his baby carrier (tasty).

He has started chuckling, he even does it in his sleep. Very adorable and I wonder what he finds so funny in his sleep? In addition to chuckling he has started "talking"... Not literally of course, but he squeals and makes cooing noises when you talk to him, like he is having a little conversation with you. It is great to interact with him but it can be embarrassing when he squeals loudly in public. I am conscious people wont be aware that this is his happy squeal.

It is obvious that he can see so much further and better as well. He watches things that are further away and he follows me moving around much more. This has also meant he has started reaching for things, as well as grabbing items (including my hair).

I have noticed that as he has become so much more aware that he has become more "demanding". I hesitate to use the words "demanding" and "needy" as they seem a bit mean. It is in a babies nature to be this way. But he really likes attention and cries a lot more if he notices he has been put down.

This has only happened in the past week or 2 and it has made life a bit more tiring - and it is a challenge to do everything with him wanting to be involved and/or held all the time. I am currently writing this with him on my lap... I have become a master of doing everything one handed...

Also, the days of him happily lying down in my arms are already over (unless he is sleepy)... if he is awake he wants to be sat up and looking around (he is nosey like his Mummy).

However, despite how exhausting it is, it is lovely how much more interactive he is becoming. His personality has started showing... randomly he seems to really respond to reggae music...

As all these things are happening with my baby the one thing I have noticed in myself is that the exhaustion is setting in. I feel like the first few weeks you don't feel as tired because adrenaline and coffee keep you going... however 2 months in without one full nights sleep is taking its toll. I fear my body has become immune to caffeine... and the adrenaline you have in the beginning, from sheer shock and worry over having a tiny human to look after, is gone (or maybe your body just gets used to it?)...

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