Friday 17 July 2015

Top 5 What I Love About Being a New Mum

Being a Mum can sometimes be hard work, there is no denying that.

But there are also things that I adore and make it amazing. I wanted to share my top 5 things about being a Mummy!

1. The attention your baby gets! I love it when I am walking down the street and other people stop and comment on how cute my baby is. I can't help but be a proud and smug Mummy... Damn right I make cute babies.

2. Cake, cake, cake... I have found that with all the mummy and baby groups and meeting up with other mummy friends that I eat a lot of cake and biscuits. My waist line might never forgive me but taste buds have never been happier.

3. A good ol' mummy moan.... I have always loved to rant and rave about things but now I have a whole other subject. Night time feeds, husband not helping enough, useless health visitors... All brand new subjects you can moan about with your new found mummy friends.

4. My very own battle story. I secretly love telling people about my son's birth. I was in labour for 35 hours and it ended in an emergency C Section so it was quite an intense experience. I know it must be very boring for other people but to us Mums it seems like we love to talk about it. It seems like our version of a soldier's war story.

5. And lastly, but the best thing, is holding your baby. I just can't describe the utter love you feel when you hold your little bundle. I can practically feel the hormones releasing from my ovaries as I cuddle him close and smell his beautiful baby smell. He could be a holy terror all day but the moment you hold him in your arms you just don't care about all the hard stuff that comes with being a parent.

Let me know what you love about being a mummy in the comments.

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