Saturday 18 July 2015

Aptamil Ready to Feed Bottles: Offer at Tesco

I am a big believer in sharing a bargain when I come across one. Even more so now that I am a Mummy, with all the extra costs that come with having a baby. We Mums need to stick together and share any bargains we come across!

In the spirit of this I wanted to share a current deal for formula milk. If you formula feed you may have come across the handy ready made formula bottles. I find these invaluable when going out. You can just pop the formula into a sterilised bottle and feed your baby. They are quick and easy to use!

Anyway, formula feed rarely has promotions on. From what I have read this is due to legislation where formula companies and suppliers can not actively promote formula because the government want women to breastfeed, believing of course that "breast is best" (and therefore prevent anyone promoting formula). This can make formula feeding expensive.

However I recently found a deal in my local Tesco on Ecclesall Road for the Ready to feed Aptamil bottles. They are usually around 80p a bottle but Tesco currently has 2 for £1.10 on Aptamil Hungry Baby and Follow On Milk bottles.

Although this offer isn't on the First Milk which you can give a baby from birth (I assume because of the legislation) you can feed a baby (from birth) the Hungry Baby milk that Aptamil makes (of course, always read the label thoroughly). So I bought a large batch of the Hungry Baby milk as my baby is 2 months old and on formula.

I hope this helps formula feeding Mums!

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