Friday, 31 July 2015

Parenting books... Some advice and tips from other Mums.

Parenting books have been something that I haven't been sure if I want to get any. I kind of feel, from quickly flicking through them in book shops, that they all have conflicting advice and can steer you down one particular method of parenting.

I like the idea of being flexible about how I parent my son. Don't get me wrong, I want to be a source of stability for him but at the same time I want him to understand the changes occur in life. I wonder if I followed the strict methods of one particular parenting book then changed (if it didn't work) am I going to be left with an unsettled child? Of course, one could argue not to change how I parent but I don't think that is realistic... you are going to have days that you need to step outside a strict regime.

Images from

I also feel that I know my baby quite well at the moment and (fingers crossed) seem to be coping well, so I don't feel the need to invest in expensive parenting books. However, I feel this pressure to go out and buy lots of books, that to be a good Mum you need to be a book worm and read all you can.

Archie being a book worm...
I don't know where I feel this pressure comes from, it must be something in myself as when I asked my fellow Mums about what their thoughts on parenting books were I got such a variety of opinions. It was both informative and liberating as the biggest message that came across was: go with what works for you!

I basically asked;
What are your thoughts on parenting books?
Have any worked for you?
Can you recommend any in particular?

There was some great tips as well, here are some of the opinions I got back:

"I didn't buy or read parenting books, but I bought Mother & Baby magazines every month for about a year! It was the thickest magazine for the least amount of money and there was always something free. If they weren't so expensive I'd probably still be reading them because they were a really good read, and really useful."
I thought this was such a great tip! A cheaper way to get tips and advice on parenting, it will cover lots of subjects and parenting ideas... you can dip your toe in and see what will suit you!

"I used Gina Ford Contented Little Baby with (first baby), and her Complete Sleep Guide....However he didn't sleep anyway so made no difference. The feeding routine was good. Her weaning book was also fab for recipes etc, as was Annabel Karmel. Still got them, I'm using potty training in one week by Gina Ford too as (second child) is super stubborn with potty training. Didn't use books with (second child)."

"I didn't use parenting books at all, I didn't feel the need as I had so many people around me that I could ask for help/advice if I needed it. Thankfully my midwives and health visitors were so friendly I could call them whenever I needed"
This is very true. You do have a support network around you as a Mum, from health care professionals to family and friends... It makes sense to make the most of them and pool all their advice and opinions.

"If I'm honest, I looked at books while pregnant, especially the one off my midwife but once (my baby) was born we just found our own way as I feel all babies are different. Also found that listening to other mums experiences and tips much more helpful. Main times I've read up on topics is if he was poorly, skin irritations etc (NHS website always good). Also love Annabel Karmel weaning books, some great ideas for different flavours."

"I was recommended "Becoming Babywise" which we read, really liked the ethos of "yes you are a parent but be strong in yourself and your relationships and a happy baby will follow" and I attribute my baby's good (mostly!) sleep to it's techniques...but it can be a bit American and they are clearly Christian and find church very important, which really isn't pros and cons! For eating I was recommended the Annabel Karmel books but after a few weeks of being covered in purée ... and not finding the time to make the dishes we swapped to Rapley's "Baby Led Weaning" which I love. It's easy, it's on her terms so no fighting, she can eat whatever, it seems logical but she still doesn't have a massive appetite and quite milk dependant compared to some others. Baby led weaning gurus would say this is fine and she will do in her own time (but pros and cons)! To be honest I'm the kinda mum that recommends you do what suits you, pick in and out of different styles and focus on milk and love and everything else will follow! I think there are so many people who tell you what to do and if you have a happy, well fed baby just keep going!"

"I did not buy any books as I got the information I needed online. I have ordered a weaning book "Ella's Kitchen" from the library which was recommended by friends... I just thought they were a bit of a waste of money to buy when I have the internet and library. I have looked through books in bookshops and most of them give you conflicting advice especially about weaning, so do the heath professionals."
Again a great tip... I know it sounds stupid but I didn't even think to borrow books from the library!  

There is lots of great opinions here, thank you everyone for getting back to me. In terms of books a few popped up a several times:
  • The New Contented Little Baby Book: The Secret to Calm and Confident Parenting by Gina Ford
  • The Complete Sleep Guide For Contented Babies and Toddlers by Gina Ford
  • The Contented Little Baby Book of Weaning by Gina Ford
  • Weaning by Annabel Karmel  
  • On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam 
  • Baby-led Weaning: Helping Your Baby to Love Good Food by Gill Rapley
  • The First Foods Book by Ella's Kitchen
I am particularly interested in The First Foods Book, On Becoming Baby Wise and Weaning by Annabel Karmel. It seem that one subject the books are great for is weaning and I will be investing in a book I like the ethos of during this time. I will also be popping out to buy a Mother & Baby magazine later today.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Babies first swim... Chaos!

Archie had his first swim today. I was excited to take him along to a baby "Swim-a-Song" session and experience this "first swim" with him.

However, the reality was slightly more chaotic than expected. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely but at the same time it was essentially a pool of small children screaming and splashing while the instructor played nursery rhymes and attempted to maintain some sort of structure! He failed... One poor 3 year old screamed throughout the whole lesson.

Due to the above it felt like it wasn't as enjoyable as it could have been. Archie was also the youngest and the activities were aimed at older children. I feel that it wasn't really suitable for my babies age. I think what I will do now is find a general family session in a pool (just for him to splash around and get used to swimming) as it is obvious that my baby is too young for these classes, then I will return to the classes when he is 5 or 6 months old.

On the practical side of things here is a list of what I took, in case any one is unsure:

Swimming Nappies
Floatation Device 

I also took my babies dummy as I expected him to cry once we got out the pool and this would comfort him.  I also found my baby carrier was really useful. I wasn't sure if there would be space or somewhere to leave my pram (there wasn't) so I walked there with my son in the carrier. Once I got us both dressed again after the swim I put him in the carrier while I packed.

I would highly recommend a little sit in ring/floatation device as well. My baby loved this and it was a great way to introduce him to the water gently.

The Hidden Gem Cafe in Sheffield

Okay, I admit it... I have a problem. I eat way too many afternoon teas. I am worried this blog may slowly turn into one all about afternoon tea. This is the last one for a while... I swear.

But I just had to share it as this one was at The Hidden Gem Cafe in Sheffield and they are such a great charity!

I am always trawling Groupon and LivingSocial for great deals, so when I came across one for afternoon tea at The Hidden Gem Cafe I had to get it for 3 reasons; I love afternoon tea (I know, shocking news), the voucher was to support Sheffield Children's Hospital and the cafe is linked to a small charity for young adults with learning difficulties... Well, how can you say no to cake and great charities?! (You can find out more about The Hidden Gem Cafe and the charity it is linked to here).

So yesterday I dragged my Nan and Archie off to another afternoon tea and it was definitely up there with one of the best I have had. I always say that the mark of a good afternoon tea is how good the scones are. To me they have got to be moist (I loath a dry scone.. yes, I am scone snob) and little bit crumbly and definitely melt in the mouth. I am pleased to report that The Hidden Gem Cafe's scones was all these things. Plus they offer proper clotted cream and strawberry jam (the jam has to be strawberry of course!).

All the food was delicious, I loved how it wasn't just the basics, it wasn't cheese and pickle sandwiches, you got speciality cheese with a tomato chutney! You can tell they put a lot of effort into their food.

Not only was the food spot on but the waitress was lovely and friendly. The whole atmosphere was relaxed and really enjoyable. It was very family friendly as well!

Also, the room was used to display some of the craft items they sell, these are items made by the students with learning disabilities that the Works Ltd teach (teaching them life skills and craft skills). They are all beautiful, well made items. In fact, my Nan and I have ordered some lovely beach hut style wooden blocks that will spell out ARCHIE for my son. They make such items to order and I just have to pop back when they are done... which is a great excuse to go back with my husband and enjoy more of the food they offer!

Click here for the link to the offer currently on Living Social.

The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley: Mummy Review

I recently sent out a plea to my mummy friends asking for their advice on parenting books... Are they worth it? Have they worked for you? What books would you recommend?

I got some wonderful responses that I will be blogging about soon (lots of different opinions and various book recommendations), but one of the best responses was from a Mummy about her recommended baby sleep book. She was also kind enough to write something on the book and I wanted to share it on the blog;

"Around 5 months me and my fellow mummy friends all started to strive for baby's who 'slept through the night' but there seemed to be two approaches, either you sacrifice your sleep for the next however many years, or you do controlled crying. I didn't want to go without sleep for the next 18 years but I'm of the (slightly scoffed at by some) opinion that letting my child scream herself to sleep would be cruel and not something I'm willing to do. So I googled for books that would offer me some help and found this one highly recommended: The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley. I found the book really easy to read, I could pick it up and put it down around being a Mum and it wasn't hard to follow. It starts off by detailing why sleep is so important for children, how much your baby should be getting at each age and asks you to fill in records of your child's sleep routines over a day; naps, bedtime routine and night time wakes. Then you follow the ideas outlined in the book for ten days and complete the records again. The approaches the book suggests are 'tear free' as you would expect and addresses common sleep issues in children. There are many ideas to suit but the most important one for me was to gently teach your baby how to be less dependent on you, nursing/dummy or bottle to sleep and it has successfully helped me to break (my babies) very strong feed-to-sleep association. I've seen gradual improvement since I started a month ago and each ten days I have repeated the records and used the questions that go with them to guide me on what I need to do better and what is going well. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to try a more nurturing approach to sleep training."

I thought this was a lovely recommendation and was very touched my the loving way she has decided to nurture her babies sleep. In many ways I feel like I am from the same ethos, as I am not a fan of the controlled crying technique (not that it is wrong but that is my personal approach as a parent). My baby does rely on a dummy at times, something I will actively be looking to stop over the next 9 months (I want my son to stop relying on a dummy by the time he is 12 months old). This sounds like the perfect book to help do this in a very natural and helpful way, as well as having many practical ways to encourage babies to navigate their way around sleeping patterns. 

Of course, every parent and baby is different and you have to find what works for you. I don't ever feel that there is a right or wrong way to parent, as long as your baby is happy and healthy then you are doing well. I hope that this review helps anyone looking for a good book on sleeping solutions for babies.

And of course, a big thank you to the mummy who wrote the review. :)

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

It has been a loooooong afternoon...

This evening I really wanted to post one of the posts I have been working on over the past week. I have some posts I am really excited about: parenting books (with lots of opinions from other mummies), all about C section recovery, summer holiday ideas and more... All these are in the pipeline.

But I have to be honest I am exhausted today and am struggling to get the motivation and inspiration to complete these posts (to the level I would be happy with). While my son was a little angel this morning, sleeping away while I visited relatives and enjoyed yet another afternoon tea (I may have an addiction) things swiftly changed this afternoon once we got home.

Thinking I could take advantage of a sleeping, contented baby I decided to start planning my packing for my holiday. I needed to find out what clothes actually fitted me, if I needed anything more. So I began getting out my long forgotten, pre-pregnancy clothes and trying them all on. Naturally the bed and floor got covered in clothes.

Anyway, mid fashion show my little one woke and has been screaming ever since, which has led to me getting very little done. My poor little man just isn't happy this afternoon unless he is being held, so I ended up sat on my bed in some ill fitting, odd collection of clothes with clothes all over my spare bedroom.
This is the reality of parenting (and to make it worse, nothing fits me! Oh well...)

Bottle Feeding Fail!

I think my little one popped my eardrums yesterday evening. He was one unhappy chappy, squealing, during and after his feeds... and sadly it was his Mummy's fault.

It all started a few days ago, when my husband and I were commenting on how our 2 month old son could seem very windy sometimes. He would wiggle around a lot and be fussy during feeds, as well as burping and farting a lot. During this chat I mentioned the Dr Brown's bottles, having seen all the positive reviews, and we decided to try them out. All the reviews seemed to suggest they were very good at helping windy babies.

So off I popped to Boots to buy a pair of the Dr Brown's bottles... I really wish I hadn't bothered. I hate being negative about products on here because I want this to be about positive experiences on my blog (plus I don't feel it is fair to the product as this is just one Mum and baby experience out of everyone else using this product). But I really feel that this is important to share, I really feel like I have wasted my money as these bottles just didn't suit my baby at all!

He took a lot longer to feed, was fussy and squealed horrendously during and after the feed (hence my poor eardrums) and somehow managed to be windier than usual.

I don't know if he just didn't like the teat (as he is used to his Tommee Tippee ones) or the bottle just isn't for him. But I am a bit angry with myself for wasting £12.99 on 2 bottles I will never use again. I did give them a good try and used them for several feeds before giving up and deciding that just sticking to his good ol' Tommee Tippee bottles was the best thing all around.

Part of me wonders if I got caught up in the "hype" surrounding these bottles. They look very technical and medical (they are called Dr Brown's bottles after all), and part of me thinks that I got enticed by this. I was really excited to try them, I even watched the steriliser clean them before using them (yes, very sad I know).

Anyway, I do think that they must be good for some babies. So many positive reviews can't be for nothing. But this experience has taught me that it might be better to find a way to trial baby products before buying them. Next time I might appeal to any Mummy friends with the product and ask if I can borrow it to try, before committing to a cost that I can't get back. This is why I wanted to share this experience, because that is a tip I wish I had thought of, for myself, before buying the bottles.

When it comes to my baby I have realised that he probably isn't that gassy in the grand scheme of things (all babies do have some wind during feeds), it can obviously be worse... as this little experiment has proved. It is as the saying goes; leave well enough alone!

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

International baby of mystery: Flying with a baby!

I am embarking on a journey destined to be fraught with disaster. I am taking my baby on his first flight in a couple of weeks! We are off to join family in the French Alps which is sure to be enjoyable but the idea of travelling with a baby for the first time is daunting!

Even more so because my husband can't come, so I am going sans partner! Am I mad?! I do have other family members travelling with me but not having my partner in crime with me is going to be hard. You can't really hand over your baby to family members as easily as you can with your husband.

All this has meant I am planning the holiday, especially the journey part, with military precision.

Here is how I have prepared for babies first flight;

Firstly, if you are a UK resident, like me, taking your baby on their first international adventure they will need their own passport. This comes with its own set of issues but the biggest one is the passport photo! Trying to get a baby to stay still for a passport photo takes dedication, patience and lots of arms. Here is a link to the company I used to print pictures I took myself, called PhotoLizard, they also have a very useful tutorial on taking a suitable photo for your babies passport, which you can find here.

Pack everything! I feel like I am going to being taking my entire house with me, just in my carry on bag alone. My bag will include:
  • Comforters (dummies, blanket, favourite teddy), whatever my little one needs to feel comforted. Dummies are especially good for the air pressure at take off and landing.
  • Entertainment: baby book and teddy/toys
  • Practical essentials: nappies, wipes, nappy cream, bottles, bibs and muslin squares etc.
  • Formula: as I formula feed I am going to need to take formula for the journey. I am taking ready made formula as it is so convenient. Note: the usual restrictions (of 100ml max) on liquids don't apply to formula and breast milk but you need to give it security staff to screen separately. For more information always check with the airport you are flying from. 
  • Change of clothes: I am taking 2 sets of spare clothes for my baby and 1 spare top for me (because of baby messes, need I say more).
  • Baby carrier: I have the NCT Close Baby Caboo and it folds down nicely to fit into a bag and it will be useful for holding my baby close in the airport and during the flight. 
  • Pram and car seat system: most airlines let you take 2 pieces of extra "luggage" for a baby. I am taking the car seat and pram base (which the car seat goes into) so my baby has all the travel essentials while in France.
A great formula tip is that you can order formula with the Boots in the airport and pick it up on the way through. If you go onto the Boots website and look at their click and collect section it is all on there. For most airports you need to leave 5 days between ordering and collecting. This means you don't have to worry about finding the right formula in the country you are going to.

Air pressure on take off and landing can upset babies so breastfeeding or bottle feeding during these times can help alleviate the pressure in your babies ears! I am also taking a dummy for this purpose.

I would advise getting an aisle seat because it is highly likely you will need to use the toilets to change your baby during your flight. Also try and get a seat close to the front/near the toilet as when stewardess come down the aisle with the trolleys you can get blocked in. If your baby has a bad nappy eruption (you know what I mean) and your are blocked in (unable to get to toilets) it can create problems.

I am sure there will be something I have forgotten... Wish me bonne chance (good luck)!

Family day out at The Deep

I loath my little one growing up. I am trying to cling onto these moments when he is a baby as I know he will grow up quickly, but at the same time I can't wait for the things to come. Things like family days out to aquariums and zoos when he is a toddler and more aware of everything around him. I have such fond memories of trips to zoos and aquariums as a child, with a picnic in hand and the sun shining. I cant wait to do the same with my son.

In fact, I am so impatient for family days out that I decided to take my little family to The Deep in Hull last weekend. Thinking that even if my baby couldn't comprehend what he was looking at he could appreciate the shapes and bright colours of fish. Plus my husband and I could enjoy the experience as well.

It was a lovely day out, we had a whale of a time! Yes, bad marine pun intended.

But in all seriousness it was a great experience and I wanted to share it.

While Archie seemed content to be shown the fishes I really enjoyed reading all the information on their conservation efforts.

I would highly recommend a trip to The Deep to families, I noticed all the interactive bits for children and will definitely be returning as my son grows up. They have a soft play area, face paints, films, touch pool, dive show and more. It was very family friendly in general but also great for parents with prams/babies, with easy access throughout.

It has a great section on the history of the sea as well. I really liked the way the route around the aquarium has a story to it, starting with prehistoric creatures. 

It is also great value for money! We bought our tickets online, which is a bit cheaper than buying them there, and children under 3 go free. But what made it real value for money was the Day Plus Pass form they offered us while queueing to get in.

You fill out a form so they can claim back 25p for every £1 you spent (Gift Aid Declaration) as they are a charity and in return they give you a form you fix a photo to and you have a years free entrance to The Deep! To be honest I would have filled out the Gift Aid Declaration anyway because of all the great conservation work they do, but the fact they offer the Day Plus Pass in return is great.

I will definitely be returning over the next year, and repeatedly as my son grows up. Archie can enjoy The Deep as he grows up and it will be great for him to understand the world (how important our oceans are and the conservation efforts for them).

If you are stuck for things to do with your children this summer I cant recommend the The Deep enough. 

There are restriction on dates you can use the Day Plus Pass (details are here).

This is not a sponsored post.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Postpartum weight loss

Recovering from giving birth is a hard thing. Sometimes you are lucky and you recover quickly and get your pre-baby body back quickly but for many of us that isn't the case.
I am 9 weeks postpartum and my body is still recovering, my C section has meant that I am still not 100%.

My scar is healing well but can still be sore, I also have a bad back from over compensating for my tummy muscles being cut into! I find myself lifting with my back instead of my legs and straining my stomach muscles. I know this isn't good but it has been essential not to strain my tender stomach.

Along with still aching a bit I am desperate to get my tummy down but so many exercise options are off limits. I wasn't even allowed to hoover until I reached 6 weeks postpartum... Oh well... that isn't such a massive issue.

But I genuinely did want to work on getting my tummy down, not least because it was still a bit flabby and the C section caused me to have a slight overhang (over my scar). This has meant it hasn't got enough air and healing has taken longer. This delightful overhang is common as your tummy will take time to go down and also a C section often causes the skin below the scar to be tighter than the skin above it... Creating what is called a "belly flap"... Doesn't that sound attractive :-/ It looks as attractive as it sounds!

But because C section recovery has to be cautious, it is major surgery after all, it limits your exercise options. Swimming isn't a option until the scar is healed well and I can't imagine doing intensive cardio at the moment.

The best exercise advice I can offer is walking. It isn't exactly ground breaking but it is working for me. I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans, granted I have a big muffin top going on, but I can do them up!

Walking with a friend or fellow mummy while pushing the pram is great. You can also use the time to have a good moan about midnight feeds and Mummy life while walking off calories. I am sure I talk enough to burn calories too.

But most importantly don't stress about your postpartum weight and tummy too much. It will take time. Don't forget, it took 9 months for your tummy to get that big (and grow your precious baby) so it will take a while to go back afterwards!

My Top 5 New Mummy Must Haves (Under £20)

Being a parent can be expensive! Isn't the cost of having a child something like the cost of a house now, over their first 18 years?

I know I have reviewed a few expensive items lately so I wanted to also review some of the cheaper items I have bought, and loved, over the first few months of being a Mum.

Here is my top 5 new mummy items under £20...

One: Muslin Squares
I know most new Mums go on and on about muslin squares but there is a reason. They are so versatile but also very needed. Babies posset (aka spit up) a lot! So having these muslin squares handy is a necessity. I can't count the number of times that a bib just hasn't been enough to wipe up projectile baby sick.
They can also be used to dry off a baby, as a light blanket during hot days, as a cover over a pram on sunny days and I have had to use them to mop up wee after my son peed on me during a nappy change... as I said, they are very handy to have around!
They can be as cheap as a pack of 5 for £5.00. I would advise getting a couple of packs as well, as they are useful to have all around the house and always keep some in your changing bag.

Two: Baby Healthcare Kit
I bought this healthcare kit online and it is really useful. It has all the essentials in it, including:
Baby Care Kit
  • 1 x Scissors
  • 1 x Nasal Aspirator
  • 1 x Teether
  • 1 x Thermometer Strips
  • 1 x Nail Clippers
  • 1 x Medicine Dropper
  • 1 x Spoon
  • 1 x Gum Massager
  • 1 x Carry Case
  • 1 x Pen Thermometer
  • 1 x Emergency Card
I have already used most of the items. The scissors are perfect for cutting your babies fingernails, which is essential as they will scratch their faces. I used the thermometer strips after my son had his first injections and got a temperature. It is really handy as it says if it is just a light fever or full fever (when you would need to consult a doctor). I also used the pen thermometer during this time and found it very handy.

The nasal aspirator is also a necessity for when a baby has a cold. Babies aren't able to clear their noses and the aspirator helps them do this if they have a snotty nose.

Three: Dummies
My little cutie pie!
I appreciate this is a bit of a controversial item. Some people are very averse to the idea of using a dummy, and I understand why. However, I am happy to use one. My son started sucking his thumb, when he could find it, from very early on and I really wanted to avoid him doing this. I believe it is easier to take away a dummy at an appropriate age than to stop a child sucking their thumb. So, as I formula feed now and he has shown signs of sucking for comfort (sucking his thumb) I have been giving him a dummy. This has been very handy in helping sooth him and it does get him to sleep quickly.
Often babies will find an item to use for comfort, whether it is a teddy, dummy or blanket. Especially when they go off to nursery and may suffer from separation anxiety. In my mind, if the dummy will help him through this stage then I am happy for him to have one.
Of course, there are pros and cons to a dummy, as there is with most things for parenting and it is worth looking into these before deciding either way. Also, if you are breastfeeding it is advised you don't give your baby a dummy until he is at least a month old.

Four: My Buggy Buddy Clip
Love, love, love my Buggy Buddy Clip. I got it in one of the Sassy Bloom boxes I get delivered and it is very handy. I love being able to clip my handbag onto the handle of my pram. I have more hands free this way, it is secure, my bag isn't falling off my shoulder constantly and it is great for shopping!
I really recommend getting one!

Five: Nursing Pillow
Any nursing pillow is great, but I have linked to the one I got. Though the prices are showing at around £25.00, I got it free with a voucher I was given on my first (12 week) pregnancy scan. I think it was in the Bounty pack?! I can't remember completely, but I know it was given to be by the NHS on my first visit.

I am assuming this is something they give out to everyone, so keep an eye out when you go along to your first scan.
If you don't have this voucher you can get 40% off with this promo code: 51A3EF
It does cost you postage, which is around £13 to the UK.
I have found this nursing pillow very useful. It makes breast or formula feeding a lot more comfortable, and less strenuous on your arms. My baby loves lying in/on it in general and even I use it to give support to my lower back when sitting, or even use it for naps on the sofa (when the baby is sleeping). It is a very comfy pillow!

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Deal: Cosatto Giggle 2 Pram System on Offer @Mothercare

I was shopping in Mothercare this weekend and noticed the Cosatto Giggle 2 Pram System (in the Fable design) is on sale and you also get the Cosatto Hold car seat when you by the pram system at the moment.

Here is a picture of the deal in store!

I did a full review of the Cosatto Giggle 2 which can be found here, well worth a look if you are considering it. I highly recommend this pram system and car seat.

I also asked a fellow Mummy with the Cosatto system to look through the review I did to see if she agreed and this is what she said:

"I liked the pram review, thought it was a good all round review. I always get comments on what a cheerful pram I have!! The only thing I would say is we have to change the car seat now (our baby) is 6 months which if we went with another make they last a lot longer, so in hindsight we would have gone for another car seat. However on the plus side it's nice for short journeys that I can use a seat belt.

As boot space is an issue for us we are going to buy a spare buggy that is slimmer and lighter for when we go away.
Overall I would recommend the set to anyone."

Click on this link to Mothercare to be directed to the deal.

I hope this helps anyone considering the Cosatto Giggle 2 pram system or Cosatto Hold car seat.

Oh and don't forget you can spread the cost of more expensive items with Mothercare, with their payment plan. This can be really helpful as babies require a lot of stuff, often expensive stuff!

Best Afternoon Tea: Betty's Harrogate

As you may have noticed from my previous posts I am a bit of a cake addict! I love Afternoon Teas as well... What is a more perfect, and British, past time then eating cucumber sandwiches, nibbling on scones and cake, all washed down with tea! It is also a great thing to do if you have a baby, you can take them along in the pram while you chat away to whoever you go with.

One of the best afternoon teas I ever had was last year at Betty's in Harrogate...

For those of you who aren't aware of Betty's it is well known within the local, Yorkshire, area for its amazing cakes and delicacies. It has been going since 1919 when it was opened by a Swiss baker... and it is a must visit Yorkshire attraction if you are ever in the area (it has several shops and cafes throughout the North Yorkshire area). (If you want to know more you can find lots of information on their website:

There is always a queue outside the Harrogate cafe to get a table at this house of temptation. However, if you book afternoon tea you can avoid the line and go upstairs to the Imperial Room, where you will be treated to decadence and indulgence at its best. Involving a live pianist playing in the room there is an elegant but relaxed atmosphere, complete with beautiful silverware and scones that just melt in the mouth! Not to mention a selection of their amazing cakes!

I can't recommend this experience enough. It was a great treat for a birthday (I took my husband for his birthday) and I am now a Betty's convert... and I have discovered the deliver too! That is dangerous for my waistline...

This is not a sponsored post.

Cutest baby bottoms around: Blade & Rose

I discovered before giving birth a company called Blade & Rose that sells cute leggings and accessories in vibrant colours and unique designs.

I can't resist baby leggings. The way they make babies look like they have a big bottom (because of their nappies) and little legs is adorable. So when I came across Blade & Rose I really wanted some for my baby!

Before my son was born I bought a pair of the boys star leggings. However it was only recently that he fit into the leggings comfortably. The leggings are great as they come in 6 month and 1 year age ranges: 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 1-2 years, 2-3 years, & 3-4 years. My son was a bit too small for them (the 0-6 month size) before 6 weeks but now they are a good fit and it is great that they are stretchy and should last until he is 6 months. Very few items of clothes last that long or fit that long on babies!

Now that my son is wearing the first pair I have ordered two more this week; the dinosaur and the  blue whale leggings! I am really excited about receiving them in the post!
These leggings are so soft and seem to be very good quality that should last. They are also really easy to put on my baby as they are an elastic style material - there isn't a 5 minute battle getting them back on during a happy change (like there is when I put jeans on my baby).

You can buy a pair of leggings for about £10 online from Blade & Rose directly or various stockists. I think anything that will last around 6 months or a year for only £10 is an absolute bargain!

Alternatively if you live in Sheffield b.biscuit off Ecclesall Road sells them (b.biscuit is always worth a visit anyway, it is a baby clothes boutique that sells beautiful items).

Best of all, this company was set up by a Mum of 2 during maternity leave - I am all for supporting a fellow mum who is juggling a business and motherhood!

This is not a sponsored post.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

TENS Machine for labour: is it worth it?

When I went of to antenatal classes I wasn't sure if I would bother buying or hiring a TENS machine for labour, but during the classes the midwife went through the advantages of TENS machines and I decided I would hire one.

These advantages include:
  • Drug free pain relief
  • You are able to move around while using a TENS machine
  • Natural and safe for you and your baby
  • Easy to use
  • Can be used with other pain relief options
For me I found that it didnt have a major impact on the pain of a contraction but how it helped was by taking my mind off the contraction. The tingling sensation it causes does help divert your focus away from the contraction.

I wouldnt have it on all the time, I would just turn it on as a contraction came on and have it pulsing throughout the contraction. Having something to focus on (turning it on and then the plusing) helped me during the contractions a lot. It also gave me a feeling of control during the early stages of labour at home.

You can't wear it during a bath or a water birth but you can wear it walking around or bouncing on a birthing ball. This can be very handy when you want to move around during labour.

I would advise hiring a TENS machine (make sure it is one specifically designed for maternity/labour), it is often cheaper than buying one. The company we used was Tens Med and we hired this TENS machine.

It offered a simple delivery and return service, you can keep it for 7 weeks as well. So it gives you plenty of time before and after your due date, in case your baby is early or late.
It also includes everything you need, including: pratice sticky pads, batteries and instruction manuals. The practice pads were especially useful to try out before my due date. I got my husband to go through it with me to make sure he knew where to place the pads on my back.

I would recommend a TENS machine to anyone considering them. They are a great tool for labour and as I mentioned having that button to press can make you feel like you have some control over your labour.

The first 24 hours as a parent!

Congratulations, you have just given birth to the most precious thing you will ever make, own, love...

You have battled through 9 months pregnancy; morning sickness, backache and hormones. Then you laboured through birth so you could hold your baby for the first time... Its totally magical.

Thus begins parenthood and the first 24 hours are just as intense as everything that came before. I am going to be candid during this post as I think it is important. The first 24 hours as a parent are really intense!

My son just after he was born, in hospital.
This isn't meant to scare but to be honest about what it is like, so you can feel prepared going into this amazing, but crazy time.

Here are a few things that happen in those first 24 hours that I didn't expect...

Firstly, be aware that you are going to be emotional. Having just given birth your body is adjusting by releasing hormones and stopping other pregnancy hormones. This is like having PMS times 100. You will cry with joy when you meet your little miracle, but you will also cry for no reason. I found that I cried in the evening, once my husband had to leave (as visiting hours were over) and I was on my own. It felt like I was crying because I loved my son so much, not a bad reason to cry but not necessarily the reason of a sane person. This does continue too, for the first week. I found that I would cry about 7pm every night for no reason what so ever. This is normal, it is hormones but if it continues after a week do speak to your midwife or doctor about it.

You aren't going to sleep. Despite being in labour for 35 hours without sleep I still didn't sleep the night after my son was born. I just watched him all night. This is due to a mixture of love and genuine fear that something might happen. It is highly unlikely anything bad is going to happen but being a new Mum you are suddenly consumed with worry for your baby, this is natural. In fact, I didn't sleep the 2nd night either (after we came home), I just watched him to make sure he was breathing.

This all leads into that: oh my goodness moment! Usually when you get home and it really sinks in that you are now responsible for a life other than your own. Again, this is totally normal to feel a bit overwhelmed but don't forget you have your partner, family and friends to support you through this period of adjustment.

You will probably disagree with your partner, over something trivial like how to put on the nappy properly or where the poppers go. This is normal, you are both overwhelmed and trying to get a handle on things.

The mirror is not your friend! I would generally avoid looking in a full length mirror on the first day. Just keep it to your face upwards because your body can be like a stranger to you. I really expected my pregnancy tummy to go down a lot quicker than it did. Most women do look at least 6 months pregnant after the baby is no longer in the tummy. If you are one of the women that is instantly skinny again then you are very lucky!

They will do several checks on your baby. These include checking his reflexes, hearing, a full body examination and generally monitoring him. Don't be worried if they aren't able to get a clear read on some of the results of the tests, this can happen. There is plenty of midwives around for you to speak with if you have any concerns.
In the case of my son, they weren't able to get a positive result on the hearing test they do on your baby while they are in hospital. They said it was probably due to him being a C Section baby which can mean that the mucus in the ears, from being inside, hadn't cleared properly. This is normal and we just had to take him back a week or 2 later to have it checked again, we did and he was all fine.

Getting released out of the hospital can take time. I was ready to go (having had all my checks and my son having had all his) the morning after I gave birth, but because they are so busy I didn't get released until 8pm that evening. If you want to leave the hospital that day (feeling fit and well of course) then tell the midwives as soon as possible so they can start the process. Also, be aware that the wards are busy. You will go from a private room during birth to a ward (in most cases) were you will be sharing a room with a few other Mums and babies. However, don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You are recovering from a big strain on your body, they don't call it labour for no reason.

The reality of taking them home and your first few hour at home is probably not what you will imagine. It wasn't for me anyway. I had visions of dressing him a cute outfit and booties for his journey home followed by a beautiful few hours at home relaxing. The reality was I didn't put him in his specially selected going home outfit as I was exhausted and just put him in the closest outfit to hand. Still cute but not what I had picked. You will probably be sore from giving birth (even more so if you had a C section or episiotomy) and just walking to the car to go home will be a bit painful. 
Also, when I got home neither me or my husband could face cooking so we got a take away, hardly the domesticated bliss I had expected.

Lastly, you will never know love like it. I know it is very soppy to say and such a cliche, but holding your baby in your arms for the first time is wonderful. No matter what happens during the first few hours, days and weeks you just need to cuddle with your baby and life is good.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Routine... what routine?!

My husband and I recently went to look at nurseries, sadly I have to go back to work when my little one is 3 months old. It is a mixture of Statutory Maternity Pay being peanuts and I wanted to get onto the childcare voucher scheme before it was due to end in autumn this year (of course, this is now not ending until 2017 but at the time it was different). Luckily, it is only 2 afternoons a week I need to put him into nursery, but I am dreading the first day!

Anyway, when we were viewing these nurseries they were really lovely and friendly, and we have decided on one we feel is a great, nurturing environment. (I am going to post a bit more about the search for a nursery, some tips, at a later date). However, one word that the Nursery Managers kept saying during our show arounds was routine...

"We will work around your routine"... "Just let us know what routine Archie has"... "We will write down his routine for his Key Worker"... Routine, routine, routine...

I had a slight oh my goodness moment! What routine? My baby is only 9 weeks old surely this is a bit early for a routine?!

Ensue parenting panic! Am I being a bad Mum by not imposing a routine for him? I don't even keep a strict night time routine. He is slowly getting one but I am loathed to be too inflexible with him at this stage. Although he sleeps well through the night now, usually going from 9.30pm to 3.30am then waking at 6.30am, I am not strict about bedtime.

Also, and please don't judge me... I sometimes bath him in the morning instead of at night. This feels like a dirty little secret of mine because I hear so many other Mums talking about a bath, feed then bed routine.

I now have about 6 weeks before he is off to nursery and I really don't know if I should be setting down a routine or should I go with the flow still. I could argue it either way really: a routine could mean he will be really unsettled if that routine is ever interrupted but does a lack of routine mean your baby doesn't feel secure in his daily happenings?!

Due to this I think I am going to have to invest in some parenting books and get an idea of what parenting techniques I am really going to stand by and use. I was a bit unsure, again, about using parenting books. I kind of feel that they lead you down one technique and I feel this could be too restrictive, as all babies are different.

Either way I think that the time has come to decide what kind of parent I am going to be, which I am sure to blog about. So watch this space.

Banoffee Pie Recipe: Simple Recipe for a Busy Mum!

I am really getting back into baking and cooking again. I have always been an avid baker but being heavily pregnant and then a new Mum has meant my poor vintage Kenwood mixer has been neglected.

However, I had a sneaky 20 minute slot while my son slept yesterday so decided to make a decadent treat for me and my husband. Oh boy are these individual Banoffee Pies yummy!

Plus they are really quick to make, prep time is only about 20 minutes and they don't need to be cooked in the oven. They are ideal for any busy people who want to make a dessert for friends coming over.

It is also a really cheap recipe, costing only about £3.00 for 4 individual Banoffee Pies.

Warning this recipe contains lots of calories! But those calories are so delicious. 

All you need is:
    • 300ml of Double Cream
    • 1 medium sized Banana
    • 1 tin of 397g Carnation Caramel
    • 80g of Butter
    • 200g of Oat Biscuits (I used Tesco's Oaties, only 55p)
    •  4 ramekin dishes

    Firstly measure out the biscuits and then break them into a breadcrumb type consistency by putting in a food processor (or putting into a food bag and bashing with a rolling pin, this is a great stress reliever!).

    Place the biscuit crumbs to one side while you measure out the butter. You then need to melt the butter (I just used my microwave to do this).

    You then need to mix the biscuit crumbs and butter together, until you have mixed enough to ensure all the biscuit crumbs have been coated in butter.
    Now get the ramekin dishes and place 2 tablespoons of the crumb mixture into each dish.
    Then push the mixture down with a teaspoon to form a biscuit base that is firm to the touch. Like the picture to the right.

    After this get the Carnation Caramel and put 2 tablespoons into each ramekin dish, on top of the biscuit base and smooth out to an even layer.
    My beloved vintage Kenwood Mixer!

    Delicious Dessert Perfection!
    Cut the banana into slices and place these on top of the caramel layer.
    Lastly you need to whip the cream into stiff peaks and then place a healthy (well, unhealthy) dollop on top of the caramel layer. Place in the fridge for an hour or two before eating.

    I hope you enjoy this, who am I kidding of course you will enjoy this! :)

    Thursday, 23 July 2015

    Deal: Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes @ Boots
    I spotted a deal at Boots today and thought it would be one worth sharing.

    Boots currently have packs of Pampers Sensitive Baby Wipes 5 Packs 280 Wipes (5x56Pack) for £5.00
    To visit the deal on their website click here
    This is saving £3.99 off their usual price of £8.99 (plus you earn 20p of Boots points).

    I did a quick comparison price search on Google and this is the cheapest price I could find.

    Inspired by Bake Off: Fennel Seed Shortbread Recipe

    Great British Bake Off is coming back to our screens soon!!! Yay...

    I love this programme... It is such a great family friendly, fun and easy watching series. Sometimes you just need to watch something without too much drama. It is the perfect programme to watch while enjoying an indulgent biscuit and tea moment, while the baby is sleeping. I can almost feel the happy sigh I will release after a busy Mummy day when I sit down with a cuppa and Bake Off comes on!

    With the adverts for the new series now being shown it has inspired me to get bakey in my kitchen. So many things have been put on the back burner since I bought home my baby, baking being one of these. But today I reclaimed my baking apron while my son was sleeping, whipping up a quick batch of Fennel Seed Shortbread biscuits.

    You might now be thinking "fennel seed in shortbread... disgusting idea"... but trust me. It is really delicious. This isn't my idea though, I stole the idea from a hotel I stayed in last year. I visited Morley Hayes Hotel in Derbyshire and had dinner there as well (it was wonderful, both the hotel and restaurant) and I highly recommend it. But while we waited for dinner we were given some nibbles and one was a fennel and semolina biscuit (very similar to a shortbread biscuit in texture).

    The textures and flavours went together so well so I decided to attempt to make a shortbread with fennel in and see if my attempts came out like the restaurant nibbles. Although the biscuits we were given were more savoury, the ones I have made are sweeter and more like a traditional shortbread.

    The sweetness or the shortbread with the almost aniseed like flavour of the fennel goes really well together, so I thought I would share the recipe on here...

    As well as being tasty, fennel is meant to have antioxidants and lots of vitamin C in it as well, which makes me feel slightly less guilty about eating so much shortbread.

    I hope you like it.

    150g of plain flour
    100g of butter
    50g of caster sugar
    3/4 tablespoon of fennel seeds

    (I know this isn't a traditional way to make shortbread but bare with me, it makes it super crumbly and delicious)
    Firstly I placed all the ingredients into a food processor and let them mix together well.
    I then got the crumble-like mixture out and pressed it together to create more of a dough, before rolling it into a roll using tinfoil (which I then wrapped it up in - do this tightly). I then placed it into the fridge for 1 hour.

    Then unroll the tinfoil (it should keep the roll shape but may crumble a bit still so be gentle) and then slice the roll into 1.5 cm slices, creating a circular biscuit.

    Lay these onto a butter greased tray and place into the oven at 180C for 15 minutes until golden in colour.

    Let them cool and then attempt not the eat them all at once (and if you are like me, fail terribly at that).

    I hope you like the recipe and enjoy it if you make them... please let me know if you make them and if you like them!

    Wednesday, 22 July 2015

    Baby 3 to 6 Month Wish List

    My tiny little bundle of love is no longer such a tiny little bundle!

    Just look at the difference between a couple of days old to a couple of months old. 

    I am happy that he is growing so well, is happy and healthy. But where is my tiny baby going?!

    I am both excited to see him grow, because of all the new landmarks that are coming up, but I am also sad that he is already no longer a new born.  

    He is already outgrowing his 0-3 month clothes, we will have to get the next stage of clothes ready (3-6 months). This has got me thinking, in the next 3 to 6 months he is going to need more new baby items... I have already started accumulating a baby wish list. I wanted to share it with the blog as I think some of these items are really lovely and a great idea for this stage of development.

    1. Cosatto 3Sixti Highchair
    I am very excited about the prospect of my baby sitting up and weaning as he approaches 6 months old. Introducing him to foods is going to be such a fun journey for both of us. I secretly feel very guilty when he is sitting on my lap while I am eating a delicious meal and he can't have any (I know that is silly, but I genuinely can't wait to share food with him, being a big foodie myself).
    Anyway, with weaning he is going to need a highchair when he can sit up and I am in love with the Cosatto 3Sixti highchair.

    I am a big lover of Cosatto items, having been converted since we bought our Cosatto Giggle pram system (you can see a full review here), and this highchair is very high up on my wish list! The various patterns and colours are really bright and fun.
    It also has a lot of great features: the seat revolves around 360 degrees, the height and back is adjustable, the colourful seat padding is removable (so it can be wiped clean easily) and it has a 2 tray system.

    2. The Nuby Nibbler
     Again, this item is about weaning in a few months. I saw this (or something similar) on one of my favourite vlogging channels while I was pregnant (The Michalaks). Their little boy had something similar on one of the videos and I was intrigued. Having found out what it was I am looking forward to getting one for my son when he is weaning. It looks like a good way to introduce some solid foods safely when he first starts weaning. There are a few various of this in the market but I felt the handle on this one would be best suited for my baby.

    3. Bumbo Floor Seat
    Bumbos seem to be a must have item for 3-6 month babies these days, and I have to admit I am keen to get one too. I like the idea of my baby being able to sit up once he can hold up his head fully. It will mean he can sit in his Bumbo while playing, or in the kitchen while I am in there cleaning or preparing dinner. It seems to be a great way to be more "hands-free" when playing with your baby or needing to do things while he is the same room as you.
    I like the tray feature you can get too, meaning that you could use it while weaning/feeding, if you decide to wean before the recommended 6 months (and your baby can't sit up in a highchair just yet).

    4. Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo
    Even at 2 months old my baby likes to practice standing while he is on my lap. He is always stretching his legs and has been trying to hold up his own weight from very early on. As well as this he also likes to be upright and be bounced around, so a jumperoo just seems like an ideal interactive toy for my baby. When I have been looking at what to get him I have come across the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo and really like it. It looks really interactive, with bright coloured toys on various levels and music.
    It rotates 360 degrees, has removable features for easy washing/cleaning and has a removable tray with a snack tray underneath. This last feature seems like a great idea to me. 
    It also folds for storage too, I need this feature as my living room is already becoming overloaded with baby paraphernalia.

    Anyway, these are my top wish list items for the next few months of my son's development and age group. It seems like it is going to be a really exciting stage where he will become more and more aware of the world around him. I am really looking forward to it!

    This is not a sponsored post.