Monday, 2 May 2016

My top 5 things from April...

April has been a funny month, we celebrated Easter already in March. The children's holidays were at funny times as a consequence, and the weather has been really unreliable. With snow one minute and sunshine the next.

It has made for an odd month and I feel a bit blergh... To cheer myself up I am doing a top 5 things I have liked in April.

Barts Bobble Hat

Firstly, I just love my son's new hat. It was a bitterly cold day and I went out without a hat for him. The sun was shining, it was deceptive. A wind born in the arctic was blowing. He has grown out of his winter hats now, and I didn't think I would need them any more (as it was approaching May!) so I packed them away.

Anyway, I popped into B.Biscuit in Sheffield, a respite from the cold and begged for a winter hat. Ironically the manager had also put away the winter hats but she kindly bought them out and I found this beautiful bobble hat by Barts.

It may not last Archie until next winter, he will surely outgrow it, but it will be saved for other family member's little ones. It is just so beautiful and now I am on a mission to buy out Barts' entire boys bobble hat collection for next winter...

Vital Baby Food Pouch Spoons

I have also come across these handy attachments for baby food pouches. Found in Boots, as a freebie if you bought 7 Ella's kitchen pouches. They aren't great for the lumpier (10 month plus) pouches, but are great for runnier pouches.
(Picture source and link to purchase these on eBay, Click Here)


Random one but I am currently knitting my son a blanket for next winter. Bare in mind knitting is new to me, the blanket does have a few bad stitches and a small hole I don't know how I mangled to create... But it is a labour of love rather than perfection...

Cake smash!!!

I have booked my son in for a birthday cake smash photo shoot. Although it hasn't happened yet I found and booked the special offer in April. I am very excited about it... I am off to Hobby Craft today to buy a load of accessories for the photo shoot.
I also have ideas of making the cake for him myself, I have done a few attempts which are slowly getting better, but the first attempt was shockingly bad...

Obviously mine is on the left, the one on the right was what I was aiming for. #nailedit!
Image on right is from Pinterest.


Despite the shockingly bad weather at times I have managed to get some gardening done.

It has been lovely, on the sunnier days, to sit in the garden with Archie. He usually chills in his pram watching me while I plant things.

I also love my new Elho garden planter in lime green. Super bright and colourful, adding some sunshine to my little garden. I planted one with some delicious herbs for summer salads and meals.

Lets hope we get some nicer weather in May. I am optimistic it will be a good month, after all Archie turns 1, which will be a big event for our little family. 

1 comment:

  1. Your garden planters are lovely Lucy and the plants are so healthy xx
